Our Philosophy

At Braun Wealth Management Group of Nest Capital, we adhere to what is known as a "top-down approach" for our investment recommendations.  This philosophy starts with our belief that the appropriate allocation for one's assets for each period of an economic cycle will determine approximately 80% of the reward.  Once the allocation is established, we begin to recommend bonds and/or stocks for your specific portfolio. To allow us to allocate your portfolio to our philosophy and discipline we require a minimum household value of $150,000. 

In the case of private portfolio management, we may suggest strategic outside managers, or our Fundamental Choice and PIM tactical management to suit your objectives, risk tolerance, and investment timeframe.  Expectations go hand-in-hand with risk and reward.  If we know what your goals are, we can better develop proper allocation strategies for helping you achieve them.

As your financial advisors, we will begin our relationship by helping you develop an objective for the investment of your assets.  We start by obtaining a clear picture of your personal and financial goals and how they work together.

During this process we will ascertain your requirements for growth versus income and any issues that may affect your needs (time restrictions, prohibited investments, or other criteria).  Once we fully understand your objectives, then we begin making specific suggestions to help you along on your journey.

Part of our service includes meeting with clients to discuss their statements, allocations, and portfolio. 

Asset allocation cannot eliminate the risk of fluctuating prices and uncertain returns.

The Fundamental Choice and PIM programs are not designed for excessively traded or inactive accounts and is not appropriate for all investors. Please carefully review the Wells Fargo Advisors advisory disclosure document for a full description of our services. The minimum account size for this program is $50,000. We are only accepting accounts with a minimum size of $100,000.